The Norwegian summer camp for KWF Norway was arranged at Egersund on the south/west coast of Norway from June 23rd to June 26th.
The camp was a great success with 130 participants. KWF Norway is a young organization that is only 15 months old. With 130 participants and 12 instructors we could give more personal advice to all the participants.
This year we had the honor and great pleasure in having our dear President Shihan Loek Hollander attending the camp. This was a very special event. Shihan Loek Hollander instructed and also told stories from the time in Tokyo with Sosai Mas Oyama.
It is very important that the KWF members get to know some of the history from Sosais "son" Shihan Loek Hollander.
And as usual our guest instructor Shihan Antonio Pinero, 8 dan, from Spain attended the camp.
We also had the pleasure in having Shihan Fernando Perez, 6 dan, present. Shihan Fernando Perez is well known as head referee from KWFs championships.
Also we had the honor of having Shihan Paul Lorist, 5 dan, from Holland. Shihan Paul Lorist is responsible for the Papendal camp next week in Holland. And he is well known as a referee at KWFs championships.
Shihan Lars Hogquist was responsible for the technical part of the camp.
11 candidates made a new dan degree. With Godan as the highest this time
The feedback was very good from the participants.
The atmosphere was excellent and a lot of smiles were seen during the entire camp and many new techniques were taught to everyone. The children really enjoyed the training too.
And the food was excellent. Our KWF members seldom gain weight at a camp but this time I am sure they did!!
Welcome next year.
Lars Hogquist