Back to Sosai Oyamas training philosophy, this seminar leaded by Shihan Bertrand Kron and Sensei Alain Leclercq concerned the Kata of the World Kyokushin Syllabus.
The training was really appreciated by all the students coming from various Kyokushin groups.
A common course concerned the fundamentals like stances, moves 'omote' and 'ura', transfer of weigh balance, and so on. Then courses by groups with Pinan for begginers and Saiha, Geksai Dai, Geksai Sho and Sanchin for advanced students, working the path, the motions and combinations, but also the application for all part of the Kata.
More than 80 students during the week-end and 20 teachers enjoyed this seminar wich will be done every years in the future, open to all groups and all countries.
Some people bought the DVD's Kata done by Shihan Kron as "help memoriy' at the end of the seminar (, and asked for the next DVD's concerning Kihon and Kyokushin syllabus by belt.
During this Seminar, Shihan Kron gave to Sensei Leclecq the first official Federal diploma and Black Belt in France to Sensei Alain Leclercq for his Yondan.